- CP advised KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. on the sale of all shares in KGHM TFI S.A.
- CP wyłącznym doradcą transakcyjnym i prawnym KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. w procesie sprzedaży KGHM Towarzystwa Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A.
- CP wyłącznym doradcą transakcyjnym i prawnym KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. w procesie sprzedaży KGHM Towarzystwa Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A.
- Zrównoważona działalność na rynku finansowym, czyli o ESG w teorii i praktyce.
- Projekt nowych obowiązków domów maklerskich z zakresu zarządzania produktowego.
- Zaproszenie na Webinar "Spółka komandytowo-akcyjna i prosta spółka akcyjna - zyskujące popularność formy prowadzenia biznesu"
- Domy maklerskie: nowe wytyczne ESMA dotyczące oceny adekwatności – struktura i zastosowanie
- Implementacja pakietu IFD/IFR oraz nowe wytyczne EUNB
- Ochrona sygnalistów (17 grudnia 2021!)
- Kontrakt menedżerski czy umowa o pracę?
- Ustalenia i wnioski z raportu EBA na temat platform cyfrowych
- Zaproszenie na Webinar Dyrektywa o ochronie praw sygnalistów
- CP głównym partnerem Fintech Summit Poland 2021
- Zaproszenie na Webinar Polski Ład
- SFDR czyli obowiązki z zakresu zrównoważonego rozwoju w sektorze usług finansowych
- Doradztwo prawne w postępowaniu o cofnięcie zezwolenia RDM Wealth Management S.A.
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- Katarzyna Szymańska
- Katarzyna Szymańska
- Katarzyna Szymańska
- Wiktoria Łukaszewska
- Wiktoria Łukaszewska
- Wiktoria Łukaszewska
- Anna Kleniewska
- Anna Kleniewska
- Anna Kleniewska
- Krystian Antosz
- Piotr Lech
- Aniela Bereś
- Aniela Bereś
- Aniela Bereś
- Juliusz Barylski
- Juliusz Barylski
- Marzena Czuksanow
- Marzena Czuksanow
- Marzena Czuksanow
- Juliusz Barylski
- Mateusz Kielan
- Mateusz Kielan
- Mateusz Kielan
- Laura Pietras
- Dominika Łukawska
- Paulina Oleszczuk
- Maciej Hyży
- Karol Ejkszto
- Mirosław Rak
- Katarzyna Lamczyk
- Paweł Eleryk
- Joanna Oprzalska
- Wojciech Wątroba
- Piotr Szczeciński
- Przemysław Szpytka
- Dominika Łukawska
- Laura Pietras
- Paulina Oleszczuk
- Maciej Hyży
- Karol Ejkszto
- Mirosław Rak
- Katarzyna Lamczyk
- Paweł Eleryk
- Joanna Oprzalska
- Wojciech Wątroba
- Piotr Szczeciński
- Przemysław Szpytka
- Paulina Oleszczuk
- Maciej Hyży
- Laura Pietras
- Mirosław Rak
- Karol Ejkszto
- Katarzyna Lamczyk
- Dominika Łukawska
- Paweł Eleryk
- Joanna Oprzalska
- Wojciech Wątroba
- Piotr Szczeciński
- Szymon Oprzalski
- Przemysław Szpytka
- Dominika Łukawska
- Laura Pietras
- Paulina Oleszczuk
- Maciej Hyży
- Karol Ejkszto
- Mirosław Rak
- Katarzyna Lamczyk
- Paweł Eleryk
- Joanna Oprzalska
- Przemysław Szpytka
- Szymon Oprzalski
- Wojciech Wątroba
- Piotr Szczeciński
- Cognizant, notowany na giełdzie w USA, przejmuje Mirabeau
- Fundusz gwarancyjny dla członków National Leather Council
- HgCapital przejęło pakiet większościowy w Mobyt.
- Fundusze zarządzane przez Permira przejmują Arcaplanet
- Greencore zgadza się na wydanie praw
- The Arlon Group zainwestowało w Sotran S/A Logistica e Transporte
- Covisian przejął 100% udziałów w CSS S.p.A
- Alcedo SGR przejęło pakiet większościowy udziałów w EXA Group.
- Doradztwo w zakresie zadłużenia na rzecz Covisian Group, należącej do Aksia Group.
- H.I.G Europe przejęło pakiet kontrolny Texbond
- Swiss Hocoma łączy się z DIH International z siedzibą w Hongkongu
- Fondo Italiano di Investimento przejmuje mniejszościowy pakiet udziałów w Gruppo Ligabue
- Inspired Europe przejmuje International School of Europe Group (ISE)
- Hiszpańska spółka giełdowa Fluidra nabywa większościowy udział w Sibo
- News Corp kupuje Wireless Group
- Grupa Vistra należąca do Baring przejęła Ujwal Management Services
- Członek WMAA doradza w zakresie polityki innowacyjnej Onet Technologies
- Ambienta przejęła kolejne 40% udziałów w Ravelli Group od rodziny założycielskiej
- Drugi LBO, z Capital Croissance, Amundi, EdRIP i Siparex
- Fida przejęła 6 włoskich marek cukierniczych, w tym cukierki Rossana od Nestlè.
- Glanbia Co-op pozyskuje 100 milionów euro w ramach pięcioletnich obligacji
- Vendis Capital z siedzibą w Belgii nabywa firmę Noppies
- Fundusze inwestycyjne Naxicap, IRD i Management sprzedają większościowy pakiet DPI francuskiej grupie
- Eurofins i laboratorium w rozdziale jedenastym
- Grupa PALI nabywa rzeźnię De Wit Slaughterhouse
- Van Diermen Masterbakers przejmuje AA Bakeries
- Aksìa Group przejęła 100% udziałów w Lameplast COC Group
- Stone nabywa 100% udziałów w firmie Elavon
- CurrencyFair pozyskuje 8 mln euro w ramach rundy finansowania
- Debt advisory to, owned by Oakley Capital together with founders and management
- Doradztwo w zakresie zadłużenia dla, którego właścicielem jest Oakley Capital wraz z założycielami i zarządem
- Cairn Homes pozyskuje 440 mln euro w ramach IPO
- Port of Cork potrzebuje doradztwa strategicznego i finansowego.
- Strong Root Capital przejmuje większościowy pakiet udziałów w Irmato Group.
- Wavestar uzyskał dofinansowanie w wysokości 20 milionów euro z programu H2020 EU
- Permanent tsb pozyskuje 300 milionów euro niezabezpieczonego długu uprzywilejowanego.
- Hibernia REIT przejmuje zarządcę inwestycyjnego WK Nowlan REIT Management.
- Dental Company sprzedaje mniejszościowy pakiet udziałów firmie private equity Alter Capital
- Apax Partners nabył Azelis Group od funduszy zarządzanych przez 3i
- Ceva Logistics sprzedała Spedizioni internazionali Trasporti Terrestri Aerei e Marittimi (SITTAM) na rzecz La Petrolifera Italo Rumena, spółki zależnej Gruppo PIR
- Summit Partners nabył większościowy pakiet udziałów w DentalPro (DP Group)
- AIG finalizuje przejęcie Laya Healthcare
- HalioDx - seria B, IPO, wyjście z inwestycji, carve-out
- Italiaonline nabyła 100% udziałów w Moqu Adv od Dada
- Lioncourt Homes pozyskuje inwestycję o wartości 9 milionów funtów
- CRH nabywa określone aktywa od LafargeHolcim
- Tubacex przejęło pakiet kontrolny udziałów w IBF od prywatnych udziałowców.
- Comdata przejęła 100 % udziałów w Atento Ceska Republika od notowanej na NYSE spółki Atento.
- Tecnogera sprzedaje pakiet kontrolny udziałów firmie private equity Pátria Ivestimentos.
- Talent&Pro i Triple A- Risk Finance przejmują udziały w Redmore Group poprzez fuzję.
- Zespół zarządzający przejmuje Klas Telecom.
- Nanobiotix pozyskuje kapitał z Serii A,B i C.
- SSC ogłasza rundę finansowania w wysokości 12 mln euro.
- Knights Commercial Laundry przejęte przez prywatne konsorcjum.
- Beex sprzedane Netapsys
- Rhiag Group przejęło 100% udziałów w Era od Alcedo SGR.
- Matrix Energy Trading sprzedaje pakiet mniejszościowy udziałów DXT Commodities.
- Capvis Equity Partners przejęło Faster S.p.A. od Argan Capital.
- Ardian wraz z zespołem zarządzającym nabył 100% udziałów w Italmatch Chemicals od Mandarin Capital Partners.
- Nspyre przejmuje działalność w zakresie usług inżynieryjnych i informacyjnych od Grupy Irmato.
- Royal College of Healthcare przejęte przez Careers Training Group.
- Version 1 pozyskuje 8 milionów euro w private equity.
- Szwajcarska giełdowa spółka SGS przejmuje Search
- Członek WMAA doradza japońskiemu Fast Retailingowi w sprawie 5-letniego planu rozwoju dwóch francuskich marek
- Podwyższenie kapitału o 5 mln EUR z udziałem inwestorów prywatnych i SEB Alliance
- Blacktrace doradza VIVISOL przy wycenie praw własności intelektualnej i przeniesieniu spółki AIRSOL na włoską Grupę SOL
- Diona zamyka rundę finansowania w wysokości 4 milionów euro
- Ergon Capital Partners nabył 66% udziałów w Ipe (Visionnaire) od Alto Partners
- Invicta nabyła 100% udziałów w Caminetti Montegrappa od Alto Partners
- Podwyższenie kapitału EMD o 1 mln euro z inwestorami prywatnymi, Credit Agricole i Finance Utile
- Sun-Air Bus Service przejęte przez Con-X-ion (CXN Transport Pty Ltd)
- Konsorcjum Camelot i An Post zabezpiecza licencję Loterii Narodowej
- Apax Partners nabył Rhiag-Inter Auto Parts od Alpha
- Hibernia REIT pozyskuje kapitał poprzez IPO
- Inwestycje EdRIP i Capelia w celu przeprowadzenia przejęć
- You Improve z sukcesem restartuje VLDV należącą do Waterland Private Equity
- E.G.O Blanc und Fisher & Co. GmbH przejęło Defendi Group.
- Konsorcjum bankowe zapewnia firmie Scafom-Rux finansowanie wzrostu
- Wittur Holding sprzedał swoją spółkę zależną zajmującą się sterownikami hydraulicznymi na rzecz zarządu
- Irmato Group przejmuje Jentjens Smart Oriented Handling
- Comdata nabyła turecką spółkę Callus Bilgi ve Iletişim Hizmetleri A. Ş. od Koç System
- Inwestycja EdRIP i Midi Capital w Amisco
- Notowany na giełdzie w USA Sator-LKQ Corporation przejmuje Kühne Automotive
- Progressio SGR sprzedało 100% udziałów w Rondine Group tureckiej spółce Seramiksan
- Blacktrace doradza Dermatologen Kliniek przy wykupie od Catharina Hospital Eindhoven
- PM & Partners nabył Plastiape od Aksia Group i innych udziałowców
- WPP sprzedaje spółkę zależną francuskiemu liderowi w dziedzinie promocji sprzedaży i outsourcingu sił sprzedaży
- Argos Soditic przejęło pakiet kontrolny udziałów w Via delle Perle
- Generale Conserve przejęło Manzotin od Bolton Alimentari
- Invima przejęła całkowitą kontrolę nad aktywami i działalnością IPA International
- Striling Square Capital Partners i zepsół zarządzający firmy przejęły 100% udziałów w Cartonplast Group od Synergo SGR.
- Civil Quality Assurance (AU) przejęta przez SGS Group (CH)
- Wise SGR i kierownictwo Biolchim nabyły 100% udziałów w Biolchim
- Członek WMAA doradza Enjoy przy restrukturyzacji zadłużenia
- Arca Impresa Gestioni i MPVenture sprzedały Cadey inwestorowi strategicznemu
- B&M i Delaware Consulting podpisują strategiczną fuzję
- Le Public Système przejmuje Brand Side Story
- Arca i IMI Fondi Chiusi sprzedały Blumen na rzecz IGI SGR
- Naxicap wychodzi z Augusta Reeves
- Castagna-Univel przejęła całkowitą kontrolę nad aktywami i działalnością Filca
- Skillpages pozyskuje 9,5 miliona dolarów inwestycji
- Grupa Intercos sprzedała sieć sklepów Madina Grupie Percassi
- Charme Capital Partners nabył 100% udziałów w Bellco od Argos Soditic, MP Venture i zarządu
- Charme Capital Partners nabył 100% udziałów w Bellco od Argos Soditic, MP Venture i zarządu
- Biznesplan i prognoza przepływów pieniężnych Dagoberta
- Au-delà du cuir stawia na fundusz gwarancyjny
- AquaPhyto zawiązuje spółkę joint venture z Schiphol Group
- Włoska spółka giełdowa Ciccolella przejmuje Springflower
- Wtórne LBO z EdRIP i Xange
- Van Engelen & Evers przejmuje belgijską spółkę Nominette od szwedzkiej spółki Nilörn Gruppen, mającej siedzibę w Belgii i notowanej na giełdzie
- Fundusz gwarancyjny dla francuskiego przemysłu mody
- Florensis pozyskuje finansowanie w związku z prowadzoną działalnością w zakresie fuzji i przejęć
- Buongiorno przejęło od Dada
- Paryski bar sałatkowy premium Côme pozyskuje kapitał na dalszy rozwój
- Firma Duplomatic Oleodinamica, kontrolowana przez AXA Private Equity, nabyła dział komponentów hydraulicznych firmy Continental Machines Inc.
- Cape Natexis Private Equity sprzedał mniejszościowy pakiet udziałów w Ares Line firmie Zeta
- Globe Events Management (GEM), kontrolowana przez Orlando Italy Management S.A., nabyła PLS Educational
- Globe Events Management (GEM), kontrolowana przez Orlando Italy Management S.A., nabyła PLS Educational
- Change Capital Partners nabył większościowy pakiet akcji Vesevo S.p.A.
- OTTO sprzedaje dział obsługi klienta do SNT
- Bylaser Australia przejęty przez Hawkesbridge Private Equity
- Owens Corning sprzedaje jednostkę biznesową we Francji
- Prawa do transmisji sportowych Al Jazeera
- Natekko
- SVHG buduje nowy obiekt w miejsce istniejącego szpitala prywatnego (30 mln euro)
- Uniphar renegocjuje linie kredytowe
- 40 milionów euro, o które ubiega się Towercom a maszty Eircom
- Ecocem zwiększa zadłużenie
- Podział spółki Dairygold
- IWP zostaje wycofana z giełd w Dublinie i Londynie
- Restrukturyzacja finansowa Killeshal
- Trillium Flow Technologies acquired the international leading pump manufacturer Termomeccanica Pompe
- Three Capital Partners €50 million-investment in SEC Newgate
- SEC Newgate has announced the taking-private from the London AIM
- The Palamon Capital Partners-backed FairConnect acquired total control of G-Evolution from Groupama
- LBO France-backed Bluclad acquired Progold to create an integrated platform serving the luxury market
- EY invested in the Milan-based consulting boutique Key Project
- Nijhof-Wassink Group acquires Wemmers Tanktransport, expert in liquid food
- 21 Invest Italy acquired a controlling stake in the insect screens manufacturer Zanzar
- Innovated acquired a majority stake in the battery recovery player Cobat
- Isoclima, backed by Stirling Square Capital Partners, invested in two North American Companies
- Arcadia SGR purchased a controlling stake in EMC Colosio from the founding family
- Oxford-based DeepPlanet raises growth capital from agri-technology accelerator Youtility
- South African Incubeta acquires global marketplace expert Maze-One
- Shell invests in plastic waste-to-chemicals technology company BlueAlp
- Healthium Medtech acquires SGK Labs (AbGel)
- PwC Italia’s Public Administration and Healthcare systems consulting business acquired by Gyrus Capital
- Consilium SGR sold the Italian urban motorcycles clothing and accessories leader Tucano Urbano
- Nederlands MerkGoed invests in e-commerce fashion boutique Orangebag
- Open source software specialist DynApps acquired by Green Park Investment Partners
- L-GAM acquired a stake in the Italian make-up specialist Ancorotti Cosmetics Group
- LMS software and bespoke eLearning specialist Splintt acquired by investment company MeeMaken
- Veneta Cucine sold a 30% stake to NB Aurora
- Riri Group acquired Amom creating a single centre of excellence in the high fashion accessories
- Rossari Biotech acquires Unitop Chemicals, a leading manufacturer of surfactants and specialty chemicals
- Mr. Giuliano Gnutti has become the sole owner of the Gnutti Group
- SP Plast acquired by XPP Seven, the first platform of Italian companies in the luxury&fashion components sector
- Quabit merges with Neinor by absorption
- Lexer Abogados is acquired by Grupo Bellver Candela
- F2A in the refinancing of its existing indebtedness and in the raising of new sources
- Bank Degroof Petercam Spain is acquired by Andbank Espana
- Leading Chinese medical device company acquires Dutch medtech manufacturer
- Micatu Secures $15 Million in Growth Financing
- Shared mobility scale-up felyx raises € 24 million from De Hoge Dennen and Anne-Marie Rakhorst.
- Beckwith Electric Company Acquired By Hubbell Utility Solutions
- Italian restaurant group Pellegrini acquired a majority stake of Mymenu.
- Trilliant Surgical Acquired by DJO Unit of Colfax Corporation
- Singular Bank SAU acquires Quintet España Group, from Quintet Private Bank
- Experian takes control over Axesor's business information division
- Aksìa Capital-backed Casa della Piada CRM acquired Alba Tramezzini
- Progressio purchased a 30% stake in Assist Digital S.p.A.
- Fortino Capital Partners invests in asset integrity management software company Cenosco
- Crédit Agricole Assurances and Abanca establish a Non-Life Insurance Joint Venture
- VAM Investments and Fondo Italiano d’Investimento created the Florence Group
- Fiocchi S.p.A. raised financial sources
- Arca Telecom SL is acquired by Accenture Plc
- Nappi 1911 purchased by Aksìa Group
- Gordon McKay Group (AU) acquired by Citywide Services (AU)
- Advised Mzuri (Decora holding co.) on the acquisition of MaxGardiner
- Eurocontrol is acquired by Apave International
- Collagen Solutions PLC Acquired by Rosen's Diversified, Inc.
- GNB - Companhia de Seguros, SA is acquired by Credit Agricole Assurances SA
- Kayhaven Capital Partners sold TCX to Dainese
- Kelly Green Crane Hire acquired by Borger Cranes
- VAM Investments purchased a majority stake in the eyewear retailer Demengo
- H.I.G. Europe acquired a controlling stake in DGS S.p.A.
- Professional Group Conversia acquired by Aspy Global Services
- Internetsia -ISDI - is acquired by Magnum Capital Industrial Partners
- White Bridge Investments took over Alpha Test
- JointSphere raises second round of growth capital
- Advised Mzuri (Decora holding co.) on the acquisition of Coolblinds
- Tow-Botic Systems raises growth capital at Mater Investments
- Wise Equity invested in the telecom cable management specialist Fimo Group
- Talde Private Equity becames a shareholder of Patia
- Kortick Manufacturing Acquired by Sicame Group
- Sherpa Capital acquires a stake in CityBike from Moventia
- Funds advised by BC Partners acquired Pasticceria Bindi
- NYSE-listed Accenture invested in NIKE Group
- Zaleros Global has secured EUR 7m funding
- Platinum Equity acquired Farnese Vini from NB Renaissance
- Portobello refinances its Gyms -Supera- through a €70M Bond Issue
- Frontline VC raises $80m in new FrontlineX focused on B2B companies expanding into Europe
- The pan-European private equity fund Argos Wityu invested in Sicura
- U.S. stocklisted Accenture acquires Dutch product design and innovation agency VanBerlo
- Arcadia SGR completed the acquisition of a 60% stake in Grafiche Favillini
- Crealsa Investments Spain is acquired by IMAN Capital Partners
- Laron Incorporated Acquired by Ohio Transmission Corporation
- Emefin, a Peruvian family office, has agreed to acquire TiendAnimal from Miura Private Equity
- Mandarin Capital Partners invested in Daroma
- Harbinger Infrastructure acquired by Monadelphous Group Limited
- EOLO signed a senior financing agreement of over Euro 155 million
- Xenon Private Equity creates a platform in the production of accessories for fashion and luxury
- TA Associates-backed LIST S.p.A. invested in IT Software S.p.A.
- Placing of c.26.6m shares in Yew Grove REIT plc for c.€25.8m
- Trescal Group (FR) acquired IPAC Solutions (AU)
- Acknowledge raises growth capital at Rabobank-backed MGF
- Xenon Private Equity VII invested in the C.B.G. Acciai Group
- Mutua de Propietarios Seguros y Reaseguros A Prima Fija has acquired a 60% stake in Funciona Asistencia y Reparaciones
- Xenon Private Equity sold De Wave Group to Platinum Equity
- Maskokotas has acquired Pet Care Retail Group from group of investors including
- c.€11.3m debt refinancing for Datalex plc
- Aksìa Group SGR completed the acquisition of Primo Group
- Focus Pointe Global Acquired by Schlesinger Group
- Arta Capital acquires a majority stake Grupo Preving from Corpfin Capital
- Early stage investor Xlife Sciences AG invests in FUSE-AI
- Abovo Media acquires Digital Marketing agency Maxlead
- Belgian Waterland backed Intracto acquires GUC Agency
- Ceberus has reached an agreement to buy a 92.88% stake of Spanish REIT Optimum RE Spain SOCIMI, S.A.
- Starline Group acquires Poly Products, specialist in fibre-reinforced products
- Norwegian Visma Group acquires Learning & Development cloud solution provider PlusPort
- Sale of IFG Group plc to Epiris funds for c. £206m
- Stoneweg agrees to grant credit facility to Serprocol
- Alpha Private Equity took over A.M.F.
- EWE acquires two wind farms from getproject
- Progressio SGR acquired a majority stake in Damiano S.p.A.
- Tuk Tuk Asian Street Food is acquired by Kelly Deli
- Healthcare Activos was acquired by Altamar Capital Partners, S.L.
- Natra S.A. is acquired by Investindustrial
- Secondary placing of c.1.6m shares in First Derivatives plc for c.£48.3m
- The SMZTO Group acquired a minority stake in Oral Sin Franquias S.A.
- H.I.G. Capital invested in Metalprint
- Berghege joins forces with Heerkens van Bavel and Alphons Coolen
- Grupo Tragaluz is acquired by Miura Private Equity
- Placing of c.10m shares in Yew Grove REIT plc for c.€10m
- Central Labs was acquired by the publicly traded diagnostic chain Dr Lal PathLabs
- Jakala acquired Volponi from private investors
- Grupo Zeta is acquired by Prensa Ibérica Media
- Edenred purchased Easy Welfare from private shareholders
- Ice Cream Factory Comaker was acquired by Ferrero
- Colossal Fish raises capital for first sustainable shrimp aquafarm
- Ambienta acquired a majority stake in Phoenix International from Chequers Capital
- Kartesia provides with financing to Compañía del Trópico
- Catalyst OrthoScience Closes $12.7 Million Series C-1 Private Financing
- CrossRoads Extremity Systems Acquired by Healthpoint Capital
- Hines Global Income Trust acquired ABC Westland logistics park
- Zumosol sells its bottling plant to LCG Fruits & Juices
- La Balinesa is acquired by Brasmar
- Trescal Group (FR) acquired Australian Calibrating Services (AU/NZ)
- Investindustrial acquires a mayority stake in Ginefiv
- JointSphere raises capital through Brabant Startup Fund and informal investors
- Equinox purchased a majority stake in Quid Informatica.
- 2 Ride Holding agreed to acquire NOLAN Group
- €10m equity placing and debt fundraising for Datalex plc
- VETRYA acquired 100% stake in Viralize from private shareholders
- An Post sold Data Ireland to Autoaddress
- Draper Esprit completes a £100m placing to fund growth
- Xenon Private Equity took over Panapesca
- Norwegian Visma Group acquires Dutch cloud software provider EBPI
- Dechra Pharmaceuticals PLC acquired the entire share capital of Venco Saúde Animal.
- Urbeo raises funding to create a €1bn build-to-rent residential platform
- NB Renaissance Partners to acquire Hydro Holding from Mandarin Capital Partners, Atlante Private Equity, the founding families and other minority shareholders
- Xenon Private Equity-backed Tecnopool has acquired Logiudice Forni and Mimac Italia
- Xenon Private Equity purchased a majority stake in Emmeti, Mectra, Sipac and Logik
- Benfante Group and Cartiera di Bosco Marengo joined in the ReLife Group
- De Wave Group completed the acquisition of Spencer Contract
- One Equity Partners-backed Lutech has acquired
- Fairness opinion on a thermal waste treatment plant
- Chequers Capital and Management took over Riri from Gilde Buy Out Partners
- Fondo Italiano d'Investimento acquired a majority stake in Marval from Mandarin Capital Partners
- Applegreen PLC acquired a majority stake in Welcome Break for a consideration of €362m
- F2A FIS-Antex in the refinancing of its existing indebtedness and in the raising of new sources
- LAPP acquires Swiss-based Volland AG
- Company valuation of two bunker suppliers in northern Germany
- Cairn Homes PLC refinances €350m debt facilities to support growth
- IPL Plastics completes IPO on the Toronto Stock Exchange raising $178m
- Gilde Buy Out Partners acquires majority stake in Elcee Group
- ICS Maugeri in the refinancing of its existing indebtedness and raising of new sources
- 1-800-PACK-RAT Merges with Zippy Shell
- Eirgrid plc secures a new €200m working capital facility
- NTC has acquired a product portfolio in ophthalmology from Novartis
- International School of Europe Group and St. Louis School have raised financing to support growth plans
- SSI Schäfer AG acquired 100% of leading supply chain automation player Incas S.p.A.
- EXASUN raises growth capital at ING, ENERGIIQ and ABN AMRO
- Optima acquired the ice cream and bakery ingredients manufacturer Giuso Guido
- Xenon Private Equity acquired a majority stake in Tecnopool from private shareholders.
- The Grand Lyon supported by Clean-tech expert from WMAA on Clean-tech policy issues
- Metalcon Group acquires German and Belgian activities of PetitJean
- Parma Healthcare acquired 100% stake in Hospital Piccole Figlie
- Playtech PLC acquired a 70.6% stake in Snaitech for a consideration of €291m
- Covisian acquired Telesurvey
- Optima acquired the cake decoration company Modecor Italiana
- Covisian acquires business unit 1254 from Italiaonline
- Progressio Investimenti III Fund acquired a 65% stake in Forest/Save the Duck
- Wheaton Brasil acquires 100% of Verescence Brasil
- EIG Global Energy Partners undertakes a tender offer to buy out the minority shareholders
- Apax Partners acquired a majority stake in Business Integration Partners (Bip)
- Team of Private Equity professionals acquired a minority stake in Step
- Tetra Ireland's debt problem
- Oppa sells 100% of its shares to Meu Móvel de Madeira
- Vanquish Yachts sells majority stake to Dutch private equity firm Transequity Network
- Protecta's controlling group acquired a minority stake in Sabor Alternativo
- Glencore Agriculture acquired a minority stake in Ricolog Transbordo e Multimodal S/A
- Glencore Agriculture and Ricolog formed Glen-Rico S.A., a Joint Venture specialized in grain and sugar logistics and storage.
- The real estate fund - "CARE11" acquired a minority stake in Parque das Allamandas
- Naxicap backed House of HR acquires Redmore Group
- CRIF acquires Vision-Net, a leading business information provider in Ireland
- Intercos Group acquired the cosmetic manufacturer Cosmint Group
- Colours, Mangrove and Redhotminute merge backed by ABN AMRO Participaties
- WMAA member advises FMG on its external acquisition strategy
- Wise SGR sold Boglioli to PHI Industrial Acquisitions
- French IMACTIS raises €3m capital
- Beacon unveils €43 million investment
- EQT owned DentConnect acquires Quole’s Centrum Mondzorg Waalre
- Fleetcor Technologies acquires minority stake in QUI! Group
- Hurks Group divests Bouwcenter activities to management
- Wiggle CRC acquires German competitor Bike24
- White Bridge Investments acquires minority stake in Italian Ancorotti Cosmetics
- Capital instruments issued by AIB Bank will not qualify as regulatory capital at consolidated AIB level
- Odyssey Training & Leadership Directions (AU) acquired by SGS (CH)
- Pyengana Dairy acquired by Tasfoods Ltd
- Renowned shipping company acquires four 13,000 TEU container vessels
- MCW Solutions Acquired by Diversified
- HLD Europe invested in M-Cube
- WMAA member supports Metalogalva with valuation
- East Coast Bakehouse's private equity fundraising
- Priner acquires a majority stake in Smartcoat
- Bain Capital backed Autodis acquires majority stake in OVAM, Ricauto and Top Car
- Management buy-out EPSA Group backed by PE fund Initiative & Finance
- Sale of Clínicas Dr. Senís to Private Equity firm Portobello
- Management buy-out Gulden Krakeling
- Capital and Opportunity Partners acquire Hurks Prefab division
- daa issues unsecured debt of €400 million
- Investment funds ACG and Capelia sell majority stake in Brevet to Toutenkamion
- Wholly owned subsidiary Bricktington sells shares in Playtech
- EirGrid's revolving credit facility (€200 million)
- Allied Irish Banks completes IPO with €12 billion valuation
- Draper Esprit has raised £100 million in a share sale
- Japan stock listed NTT DATA Business Solutions itelligence acquires Goldfish ICT
- Applegreen raises €70 million on its IPO
- Wizz Air closes secondary placing in order to accommodate further growth
- Glanbia Co-op reduces holding in Glanbia Plc
- AMEOS Group acquires the specialized healthcare company Röpersberg Group in northern Germany
- Astorg acquired Surfaces Technological Abrasives from Xenon Private Equity
- Alpha Private Equity acquired Europart from Triton Funds and Paragon Partners
- Private Equity firm Qualitas Partners acquires a stake in Avanzare
- LSF9 Concrete II Ltd lowers stake in Forterra
- Social media agency The Metrics Factory attracts investor to support growth
- White Bridge Investments acquired Nutrilinea from the founding shareholders
- PE fund NB Renaissance Partners invested in Italian Comelz
- Chequers Capital acquired Giovanni Bozzetto Group from Synergo SGR
- Thermal Electric Elements (AU) acquired by Vulcanic (FR)
- Symetis acquires 100% of Acurate
- Rensa Group acquires Libra Energy
- De Wave completed the acquisition of Precetti
- AIB Group hires banks for "bail-inable" bonds under new rules
- Artplan and Revolution create a joint venture named Pullse
- Aksìa Capital acquired a 70% stake in Alpha Test from its founding shareholders and Alcedo
- Progressio Investimenti II Fund acquired a 70% stake in Garda Plast
- Sale of Kontora Family Office to the management
- Australian Vaporizers (AU) acquired by Namaste Technologies Inc (CA)
- Frontline Electrical acquired by Gordon McKay Electrical
- Stirling Square Capital Partners completed the MBO of Isoclima Group
- Allianz agrees to acquire minority interests in Irish subsidiary
- Sanjeevani Pathology Labs was acquired by Carlyle and KKR backed diagnostic chain Metropolis
- Wise SGR acquired Tapì from Gradiente and the founders
- Priner acquires a majority stake in Isolafácil
- Capital restructuring at Paris Calling
- Waterlogic acquires Aguaviva, Spanish POU drinking water provider
- Certina Holding acquires the German paper mill “Papierfabrik Meldorf”
- Concremat sells a controlling stake to the Chinese CCCC
- Financial appraisal in the context of Grupo Bom Jesus’ Chapter 11 process
- Greenchoice acquires International Solar (Kieszon)
- WMAA member advises Tech Data on its external acquisition strategy
- Vendis Capital-backed Noppies acquires IMPS&ELFS
- Xenon Private Equity VI acquired ADI
- Private Equity firm HIG acquires a stake in Royo Group
- U.S. stock listed Cognizant acquires Mirabeau
- Warranty fund for the National Leather Council members
- HgCapital acquires majority stake in Mobyt
- Funds managed by Permira acquires Arcaplanet
- Greencore agrees to rights issue
- The Arlon Group invested in Sotran S/A Logística e Transporte
- Covisian acquired 100% stake in CSS S.p.A.
- Alcedo SGR acquires a majority stake in EXA Group
- Debt advisory to the Covisian Group, owned by Aksìa Group
- H.I.G. Europe acquired a controlling interest in Texbond
- Swiss Hocoma merges with Hong Kong based DIH International
- Fondo Italiano di Investimento acquires minority stake in Gruppo Ligabue
- Inspired Europe acquires the International School of Europe Group (ISE)
- Spanish stock listed Fluidra acquires majority share in Sibo
- News Corp buys Wireless Group
- Baring owned Vistra group acquired Ujwal Management Services
- WMAA member advises on innovation policy of Onet Technologies
- Ambienta acquired a further 40% stake in Ravelli Group from the founding family
- Secondary LBO, with Capital Croissance, Amundi, EdRIP and Siparex
- Fida acquired 6 Italian confectionery brands including Rossana candies from Nestlè.
- Glanbia Co-op raises €100 million through five-year bond
- Belgium based Vendis Capital acquires Noppies
- Investment funds Naxicap, IRD and Management sell majority stake in DPI to a French group
- Eurofins and laboratory on chapter eleven
- PALI Group acquires De Wit Slaughterhouse
- Van Diermen Masterbakers acquires AA Bakeries
- Aksìa Group acquired 100% stake of Lameplast COC Group
- Stone acquires 100% of Elavon
- CurrencyFair raises €8m in funding round
- Cairn Homes raises €440 million in IPO
- Port of Cork needs strategic and funding advisory
- Strong Root Capital acquires majority stake in Irmato Group.
- Wavestar obtains €20 million public funding from H2020 EU program
- Permanent tsb raises €300 million senior unsecured debt
- Hibernia REIT acquires its investment manager WK Nowlan REIT Management.
- Dental Company sells a minority stake to private equity firm Alter Capital
- Apax Partners acquired Azelis Group from funds managed by 3i
- Ceva Logistics sold Spedizioni internazionali Trasporti Terrestri Aerei e Marittimi (SITTAM) to La Petrolifera Italo Rumena, a subsidiary of Gruppo PIR
- Summit Partners acquired a majority stake in DentalPro (DP Group)
- AIG completes the acquisition of Laya Healthcare
- HalioDx - Series B, IPO, exit, carve-out
- Italiaonline acquired 100% stake in Moqu Adv from Dada
- Lioncourt Homes secures £9 million investment
- CRH acquires certain assets from LafargeHolcim
- Tubacex acquired a controlling stake in IBF from private shareholders
- Comdata acquired 100% stake in Atento Ceská republika from the NYSE listed company Atento
- Tecnogera sells a controlling stake to the private equity firm Pátria Investimentos
- Talent&Pro and Triple A - Risk Finance acquire stake in Redmore Group through merger
- Management team acquires Klas Telecom
- Nanobiotix raises Series A, B & C capital
- SSC unveils €12 million in funding round
- Knights Commercial Laundry acquired by a Private Consortium
- Beex sold to Netapsys
- Rhiag Group acquired a 100% stake in Era from Alcedo SGR
- Matrix Energy Trading sells a minority stake to DXT Commodities
- Capvis Equity Partners acquired Faster S.p.A. from Argan Capital
- Ardian and the management team acquired 100% stake of Italmatch Chemicals from Mandarin Capital Partners
- Nspyre acquires the engineering and information services activities from Irmato Group
- Royal College of Healthcare acquired by Careers Training Group
- Version 1 raises €8 million in private equity
- Biolchim, controlled by Wise SGR, acquired Cifo
- Switzerland stock listed SGS acquires Search
- WMAA member advises Japanese Fast Retailing on 5-year development plan for two French brands
- Capital increase of €5 million, with private investors and SEB Alliance
- Blacktrace advises VIVISOL with valuation IP rights and transfer of AIRSOL to Italian SOL Group
- Diona closes funding round of €4 million
- Ergon Capital Partners acquired a 66% stake in Ipe (Visionnaire) from Alto Partners
- Invicta acquired a 100% stake in Caminetti Montegrappa from Alto Partners
- EMD's capital increase of €1 million with private investors, Credit Agricole and Finance Utile
- Sun-Air Bus Service acquired by Con-X-ion (CXN Transport Pty Ltd)
- Camelot & An Post consortium secure National Lottery licence
- Apax Partners acquired Rhiag-Inter Auto Parts from Alpha
- Hibernia REIT raises capital through IPO
- Investment of EdRIP and Capelia to perform acquisitions
- You Improve succesfully restarts Waterland Private Equity owned VLDV
- E.G.O. Blanc und Fisher & Co. GmbH acquired Defendi Group
- Banking consortium provides growth funding to Scafom-Rux
- Wittur Holding sold its hydraulic drivers subsidiary to the management
- Irmato Group acquires Jentjens Smart Oriented Handling
- Comdata acquired the Turkish company Callus Bilgi ve Iletişim Hizmetleri A. Ş. from Koç System
- Investment of EdRIP and Midi Capital in Amisco
- U.S. stock listed Sator-LKQ Corporation acquires Kühne Automotive
- Progressio SGR sold 100% stake of Rondine Group to the Turkish company Seramiksan
- Blacktrace advises Dermatologen Kliniek on buy-out from Catharina Hospital Eindhoven
- PM & Partners acquired Plastiape from Aksia Group and other shareholders
- WPP sells subsidiary to a french leader in sales promotion and outsourced sales forces
- Argos Soditic acquired a controlling stake in Via delle Perle
- Generale Conserve acquired manzotin from Bolton Alimentari
- Invima acquired total control of assets and business of IPA International
- Stirling Square Capital Partners and the company’s management acquired 100% stake of Cartonplast Group from Synergo SGR
- Civil Quality Assurance (AU) acquired by SGS Group (CH)
- Wise SGR and Biolchim's management acquired a 100% stake in Biolchim
- WMAA member advises Enjoy on its debt restructuring
- Arca Impresa Gestioni and MPVenture sold Cadey to a strategic investor
- B&M and Delaware Consulting sign strategic merger
- Le Public Système acquires Brand Side Story
- Arca and IMI Fondi Chiusi sold Blumen to IGI SGR
- Naxicap exits Augusta Reeves
- Castagna-Univel acquired total control of assets and business of Filca
- Skillpages secures $9.5 million investment
- Intercos Group sold Madina to Percassi Group
- Charme Capital Partners acquired 100% stake in Bellco from Argos Soditic, MP Venture and the management
- Dagobert's business plan and cashflow forecast
- Au-delà du cuir aims for warranty fund
- AquaPhyto enters into joint venture with Schiphol Group
- Italian stock listed Ciccolella acquires Springflower
- Secondary LBO with EdRIP and Xange
- Van Engelen & Evers acquires Belgium based Nominette from Sweden based and stock listed Nilörn Gruppen
- Warranty fund for French Fashion industry
- Florensis attracts funding in relation to its M&A activities
- Buongiorno acquired from Dada
- Premium Parisian salad bar Côme raises capital for further growth
- Duplomatic Oleodinamica, controlled by AXA Private Equity, acquired the hydraulic components division of Continental Machines Inc.
- Cape Natexis Private Equity sold a minority stake in Ares Line to Zeta
- France based Bouygues and management acquire UK based Leadbitter from stock listed Heijmans
- Globe Events Management (GEM), controlled by Orlando Italy Management S.A., acquired PLS Educational
- Change Capital Partners acquired a majority stake of Vesevo S.p.A.
- OTTO sells customer service division to SNT
- Bylaser Australia acquired by Hawkesbridge Private Equity
- Owens Corning sells business unit in France
- Sports broadcasting rights of Al Jazeera
- Natekko's balance sheet reinforcement
- SVHG building new facility to replace exisiting private hospital (€30 million)
- Uniphar renegotiates debt facilities
- €40 million sought by Towercom for Eircom masts
- Ecocem raises debt
- Dairygold's spin-off
- IWP is delisted from Dublin and London stock exchanges
- Killeshal's financial restructuring